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Attack Hole Online

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There is hardly a more disastrous thing in the whole universe than a black hole. None of us has seen it with our own eyes, and that’s a good thing – because we still have eyes. Black holes are known to be so tight in their mass that they suck in everything, even bare light. And you can imagine what a bunch of such holes can do in our world, even if they are very small… Yet! In this game, you will get your own black hole under control that you will have to upgrade and evolve to turn into a truly destructive and mighty force that is capable of bringing an end to our whole planet!

Your path of chaos is about to begin!

At first, your black hole will be little and not particularly threatening. A baby hole, so to say. It will be capable of swallowing only small things – rip a bag out of somebody’s hands, tear a rose bush from somebody’s lawn, absorb a cat passing by… But as you eat more and more, you will grow and amp up your force. And very soon you’ll find that you’re capable to deal with much bigger and sturdier objects. You will be able to swallow road signs, fences, trees, people, cars… The scale of destruction will increase accordingly to your size and you will sweep through the city like a hurricane causing chaos everywhere you appear. Your goal is to keep absorbing more and more objects to become really huge and dangerous. Then you will be able to do the most interesting thing – attack other holes…

Become the blackest of all holes!

Yes, in this game you’re not the only black hole in play. There are also other holes on the map doing just the same things as you. All the time you were roaming around and stuffing your supergravity belly to grow bigger and bigger, they were on the same track. And it’s quite possible that some of the holes you bump into will be even more sizable than you. Who is going to swallow whom? That’s a question you can answer only by confronting another hole in an open black hole battle! Start playing Attack Hole online and see if you can dominate the map!

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