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If you love games about black holes, here is a new version of it. You should know the principle of how these work – black holes can swallow absolutely anything they want. Even a whole building can disappear inside it with no effort. However, in this entertainment, your character is not going to be black – it will be changing colors.

Become the biggest hole ever!

Your aim is obvious – you need to devour as much as possible to reach the maximum dimension. So once you start navigating through the location, start swallowing everything you can. Begin with small items – they will enable you to grow and eat bigger things. Move across the streets and attacks cars and pedestrians. Once you are strong enough, you will even deal with big buildings with ease. Always be on the alert, as you may also become a victim of another black hole that is bigger than you. The adventure will need all your logical skills and agility if you want to leave all your adversaries behind!

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